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Is Email Marketing a Scam - Best Blogger Webinar

Is Email Marketing a Scam

Is Email Marketing a Scam

In contrast to phishing emails, email marketing has never been a fraud. In a world of options, marketing's job is to help consumers determine which option is best for them by assisting them in understanding the value and cost of products. Phishing emails are just plain thievery.

Here's an example of a Phishing mail that I found:

Is Email Marketing a Scam

Whereas email marketing is simply a way to communicate with your prospect or client to tell them about your products or make them aware of new products, discounts, and other services. Educating your audience about the benefits of your brand or maintaining their interest in between transactions can also be a more subtle way to market.

Email marketing is not a scam.

It is a legitimate and widely used digital marketing strategy that involves sending emails to a targeted list of customers or potential customers. Spam can, however, be a result of using email marketing incorrectly.

Spam is the slew of unwanted emails that people receive every day, and it is unsolicited. Phishing emails aren't marketing; they're outright fraud. Scammers can use a variety of methods to attack unwary victims, such as sending emails with malicious attachments or posing as genuine business entities. To distinguish email marketing campaigns from scammers, email marketers should avoid misspellings and grammatical errors and instill trust in their audience through error-free writing.

Don't confuse email marketing with "junk email."

Many people are still unaware of the distinction between smart email marketing targeted at their audience and "spamming" or starting to send mass emails to unidentified lists.

Buying mailing lists, sending content without quality or clear objectives, not thinking that you are having a conversation, wanting to sell at all costs... IT IS NO USE.

Email marketing has nothing to do with it. To increase sales with your subscriber list, you must establish a community, address wants and/or problems, and persuade community members to act as the most powerful brand ambassadors possibly with other advertising campaign.

Why Email Marketing is the Victorious King

Keys That Make Email Marketing King

  1. Since (nearly) everything can be measured, you can determine if you have accomplished your aims. Email marketing allows you to achieve measurable objectives to estimate your delivery rates, open, click, bounce, unsubscribe, sales. You can measure absolutely everything.
  2. Segment your lists to fully personalize the messages to your customers. Communication with your subscribers and clients can be made more effective by segmenting your mailing list. It's possible that you have subscribers who are still in the first stage of contact and you can't send them sales promotions right away; other subscribers might be repeat customers, etc. Email personalization is key to connecting with your customers.
  3. It's personal: From person to person. Getting my clients' trust has been essential to running a successful business. Email marketing will allow you to create relationships with potential clients and improve communication with old and current clients by talking directly with them. It is not heavy or intrusive because they can always read your emails when it is most comfortable for them. Simply being able to send pertinent information is required: Promote new goods and services, industry news, event information, and promotional codes.

Protecting Email Attachments from Scams

Implementing these steps may seem overwhelming, but adding a second layer of protection on top of your existing email protection solution, such as the Easysendy email marketing tool, can greatly enhance security.

  1. Develop a policy that blocks email attachments with potentially risky formats.
  2. Use multiple antivirus engines to scan attachment files containing sensitive information should no longer be dispatched through email.
  3. Sanitize email attachments.
  4. Identify file type spoofing.
Voila! Thanks for reading.