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The Secret of Covid "Super-Dodgers" Finally Revealed: It's All in the Genes! - Best Blogger Webinar

The Secret of Covid "Super-Dodgers" Finally Revealed: It's All in the Genes!

Covid 19

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted millions of lives worldwide, but some lucky individuals seemed to escape its grasp without ever falling ill. Scientists have now discovered that these "super-dodgers" possess unique genetic mutations that allow their immune system to recognize the virus quickly, like a common cold. This early recognition enables them to flush out the virus before it can wreak havoc and cause illness. Let's delve into the exciting world of genetics and uncover the mystery behind the immunity of these fortunate few.

Genes and Immunity: The Key to Super-Dodging Covid

Researchers have found that individuals with specific mutations in their DNA have a remarkable advantage when it comes to combating Covid-19. These mutations alter the behavior of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA), a protein marker that identifies threats to the immune system. Due to this genetic quirk, their immune cells can recognize Covid-19 early on, even though the virus is foreign to them. This early detection and response prevent the virus from spreading within their bodies and causing illness.

The Significance of "Super-Dodgers":

These genetic super-dodgers possess an army of immune cells that are always on high alert, primed and ready to combat Covid-19. Imagine having soldiers who are well-prepared for battle and already know what to look for, instantly identifying and eliminating the enemy. This advantage gives them an eight-fold lower risk of falling ill with Covid-19 compared to those without the genetic mutation.

The Study:

Scientists studied a group of 1,500 individuals and analyzed their genetic makeup to determine the presence of the specific mutation. They found that only around 10% of the general population carries the genes providing this protective effect. By comparing Covid-positive individuals with and without the mutation, they observed that the "super-dodgers" were far less likely to develop symptoms or become sick from the virus.

Unraveling the Mechanism:

Further research led by Australian scientists shed light on how this altered HLA protein is better equipped to identify Covid-19. The NQK-Q8 peptide, a particular component of the virus structure, is the target of the mutant immune cells. This part resembles a structure found in common cold viruses, the NQK-A8 peptide, allowing the immune system to swiftly flag Covid-19 as a threat.

Potential for Future Developments:

The discovery of this genetic advantage not only offers insights into why some people avoided illness during the pandemic but also holds promise for future medical developments. Understanding the immune response of super-dodgers may aid in identifying new ways to promote immunity against Covid-19. These findings could contribute to the development of more effective vaccines or drugs to combat the virus in the future.

Real-Life Stories of Super-Dodgers:

Several individuals have shared their experiences of avoiding Covid-19 despite significant exposure to the virus. From frontline workers to family members of infected individuals, they all seem to possess this unique genetic advantage. These personal accounts emphasize the potential power of genetics in conferring protection against the virus.


The discovery of "super-dodgers" and their genetic advantage sheds light on the intricate workings of our immune system and its ability to combat viral threats like Covid-19. Understanding the mechanisms behind this protection not only answers questions about the pandemic but also offers hope for future advancements in vaccine and drug development. While genetics play a significant role, let's not forget the importance of preventive measures such as vaccination and maintaining public health protocols. Together, we can continue the fight against Covid-19 and work towards a healthier and safer world.