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5 Tips From a Doctor to Improve Your Sleep and Beat Insomnia - Best Blogger Webinar

5 Tips From a Doctor to Improve Your Sleep and Beat Insomnia

5 Tips From a Doctor to Improve Your Sleep and Beat Insomnia

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for our overall well-being, allowing our bodies and minds to recharge fully. Unfortunately, many adults in the UK and US struggle with insomnia, leaving them feeling exhausted and restless. 

While some may resort to sleeping pills, there are natural and effective ways to enhance sleep quality. Dr. Sophie Bostock, a sleep expert and coach, shares her top tips to help you achieve a better night's rest without relying on medication.

Even On Weekends, Get Up At The Same Time Every Day:

Resist the temptation of a weekend lie-in. Maintaining a consistent wake-up time helps anchor our body clocks to the same schedule, promoting more efficient bodily functions and providing us with increased energy throughout the day. If you find yourself yearning for extra sleep on weekends, it might be an indication that you need more rest during the week. Adults should sleep for seven to nine hours per night hours per night.

Get an Early Dose of Daylight:

Expose yourself to natural daylight, especially in the morning, to improve your sleep at night. Daylight helps regulate your body clock, signaling wakefulness during the day and sleepiness in the dark. If sunlight is scarce during winter, consider using winter light alarm clocks or bright light boxes to simulate the effects of natural daylight. This practice helps banish lingering melatonin, the sleep hormone, which can make you feel groggy in the morning.

Move to Feel Tired:

Regular physical activity not only boosts your energy during the day but also contributes to better sleep at night. Exercise is a powerful signal to your body clock that it's daytime, shaking your brain and body out of sleep mode and promoting alertness. Moreover, staying active helps reduce stress, a known factor contributing to insomnia. Activities like tai chi and yoga have also been found to improve sleep quality for individuals struggling with insomnia.

Practice the Skill of Relaxation:

Relaxation is essential for unwinding and preparing your body for sleep. When you're constantly busy, your body releases adrenaline, triggering the "fight or flight" response, which can hinder sleep. To ease into deep sleep, incorporate mindfulness and breathwork techniques into your day. Take short breaks to listen to music, go for a walk, or simply do nothing at all. This skill of relaxation will make it easier for you to fall asleep when the time comes.

Don't Rely on Willpower When You're Tired - Stick to the Same Routine:

Embrace a familiar bedtime routine and stick to it each night. Set a reminder an hour before you want to sleep, signaling you to turn off technology and prepare for bed. Familiarity is relaxing for the brain, helping you wind down and fall asleep more easily. Avoid the temptation of scrolling on your phone late into the night, as fatigue can compromise your self-control.


Dr. Sophie Bostock's expert advice offers a natural and effective approach to achieving a restful night's sleep. By following her tips, you can improve your sleep quality, boost your energy levels, and enhance your overall well-being without resorting to sleeping pills. Prioritize your sleep, establish a consistent routine, and incorporate relaxation and exercise into your day to unlock the key to a better night's rest. Sleep well and wake up refreshed!

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